Meeting a Legendary Acupuncturist

Meeting a Legendary Acupuncturist

Such a thrill to meet legendary acupuncturist Mazin Al-Khafaji, who with Peter Deadman cowrote The Manual of Acupuncture, the encyclopedic work I kept close at hand during all three years of grad school. It covers in depth the location, meaning, and clinical applications of more than 365 acupuncture points! I still refer to it regularly.

It was wonderful of Kamwo Meridian Herbs in Chinatown to bring the NYC acupuncture community together to celebrate his work and launch his super-high-quality skincare line Avicenna in the US. I’m looking forward to trying out his topical herbal formulations for such dermatological conditions as eczema and psoriasis.

Ghost Busters

Ghost Busters

Fashionable Stress Relief

Fashionable Stress Relief